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Thursday, Jul 12 2018

WATCH: Flustered Scott Wagner Confronted by Voter Over His Campaigning With a Fringe Cult Leader

Jul 12, 2018

Watch here: A clearly rattled Scott Wagner struggling to defend

his campaigning with the leader of a fringe cult


Last night, Harrisburg insider Scott Wagner was confronted by a voter at a campaign event in Greensburg over Wagner campaigning with the leader of a fringe cult. The cult leader, Sean Moon, gave the invocation at Wagner’s event on Sunday. While Wagner is now trying to distance himself from the cult after he got caught courting their support, the audio doesn’t lie. Wagner told a member of Moon’s cult at the event “ninety-eight percent of what you believe in, I believe in.”

So what does the cult believe in, ninety-eight percent of which Wagner says he also believes? Well, it teaches that women should obey their husbands or face death, conducts mass weddings where participants hit each other with sticks and attendees carry AR-15 rifles, and wears “crowns of bullets.” It’s also been labeled an “anti-LGBT cult” by the Southern Poverty Law Center and its founder, Sean Moon’s father, served jail time for tax evasion and faced charges of anti-Semitism.

When confronted by a voter last night on why he lied about campaigning with Moon, Wagner got more and more flustered as he struggled to find a way to defend his behavior.

“Scott Wagner got caught campaigning with a fringe anti-LGBT and misogynistic cult, and now that voters are confronting him about it he can’t handle the heat,” said American Bridge spokesperson Zach Hudson.

Watch the exchange between Wagner and the voter here.

Published: Jul 12, 2018

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