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News Tuesday, May 9 2017

WATCH: Ohio GOP Congressmen Hiding After Trumpcare Vote

May 09, 2017

Tiberi and Renacci’s Hypocrisy Exposed By WEWS Cleveland

The U.S. House is in recess this week, but Ohioans concerned about the future of their health care won’t be able to talk to the Congressmen who voted for Trumpcare.

Not one of the Congressmen who voted for Trumpcare profiled by WEWS Cleveland is holding a town hall this week. During this recess, Congressmen Rennaci, Tiberi, and Joyce are avoiding their jobs, ducking the constituents they work for.

“Trumpcare would gut health care for millions of Ohioans and kick over 650,000 Ohioans off their health insurance. Congressmen Rennaci and Tiberi voted for this disastrous bill, and now they are are too cowardly to defend that vote. This is everything that disgusts voters about Washington,” said American Bridge spokesperson Joshua Karp.

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Published: May 9, 2017

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