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Monday, Jul 10 2017

Welcome Home to Washington, D.C., Dean Heller

Jul 10, 2017

Dean Heller returns home to Washington, D.C. today from a week-long vacation in Nevada that he spent hiding from his constituents after backtracking on his promise not to support the disastrous Republican health bill.

In fact, it’s been more than 2 months since he’s held a public event to speak with Nevadans. Last week, Heller even refused to get off of his horse to have an honest conversation with the people of Ely. It’s clear that Dean Heller is more comfortable negotiatingback room deals with his buddies in Washington, D.C., than he is talking to the people he’s supposed to represent.

“Dean Heller doesn’t want to face his constituents in Nevada, because he’s still working to get to yes on a bill that would pull the rug out from tens of thousands of them, stripping them of the health care they need and raising costs on thousands more,” said American Bridge spokesperson Joshua Karp. “Now that he’s back home in Washington, D.C., will Dean Heller continue to secretly negotiate this terrible deal for Nevadans with his party bosses? All signs point to yes.”

Published: Jul 10, 2017

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