As Paul LePage–America’s “craziest governor“–prepares to greet Donald Trump in Maine, it’s worth remembering how these courageous crusaders have selflessly pointed out the “real racists” in our midst.
LePage hasn’t been shy about exposing the “real racists” in his own state. While running for governor in 2010 he lamented that “There is a lot of racism in Maine.” Perhaps LePage’s statement earlier this year that drug dealers named “D-Money, Smoothie, Shifty … come up here, they sell their heroin, and they go back home,” only after, of course, they, “impregnate a young, white girl before they leave,” was simply meant to illustrate the racism of others.
Donald Trump is no stranger to exposing “real racists” either. This week, Trump exposed another racist–Elizabeth Warren. Though he’s been widely criticized for calling the Massachusetts senator “Pocahontas”, Trump mused that, “I think she’s a racist, actually, because what she did was very racist.”
Trump and LePage have teamed up to expose the most pernicious racist lurking among us: President Obama. Trump has never abandoned his mission to prove that Obama is secretly a foreign national with a forged birth certificate. At a private fundraiser, LePage claimed that President Obama, “hates white people.” Cementing his anti-racist credibility, LePage campaigned by telling notorious racist Obama to “Go to hell.”
Donald Trump and Paul LePage: Two totally-not-racist guys just trying to point out the “real racists” to everyone else.
Published: Jun 29, 2016