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Chris Sununu Donald Trump Thursday, Mar 5 2020

WHIPLASH: Gov. Sununu Defends ACA Just Weeks After Defending Trump’s Effort to Repeal

Mar 05, 2020

American Bridge issued the following statement following news that Gov. Sununu will join a lawsuit in defense of the Affordable Care Act when–just three weeks earlier–the governor appeared on WGBH and peddled mistruths about Republican efforts to repeal the ACA. 

“Chris Sununu can’t have it both ways. He just defended Trump’s effort to repeal the ACA, and now he’s only defending the ACA because he knows it’s popular,” Katie Parrish, American Bridge spokesperson. “This is the shallow politicking that Granite Staters are tired of. New Hampshire deserves a governor who has consistently put the health of hardworking Granite Staters first, and that’s not Chris Sununu.


On WGBH on February 11, Gov. Sununu claimed that Trump would not repeal protections for pre-existing conditions in a “vacuum,” when that’s exactly what Trump has tried to do. Sununu then attempted to rewrite history, falsely claiming that past efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act would never have jeopardized health care access for individuals with pre-existing conditions. 

Published: Mar 5, 2020 | Last Modified: May 15, 2020

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