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News Wednesday, Mar 1 2017

Wilbur Ross Will Not "Get Tough" with Russia or China – and the American People Will Pay the Price

Mar 01, 2017

“Donald Trump has told the American people for months that Wilbur Ross will be his top official entrusted with U.S. trade policy in the cabinet.  This makes it exceptionally troubling that Ross has still failed to answer persistent questions about his business dealings with a close associate of Vladimir Putin as well as his considerable ties to a bank notorious for money laundering on behalf of Russian interests. To make matters worse, Ross has refused to sell his shares of a company subsidized by the Chinese government, and his nominee for U.S. Trade Representative needs a waiver from Congress for having represented Chinese groups in disputes with American manufacturers.  American families deserve to know – especially 47% of them, apparently – just who is this administration putting first?” said American Bridge President Jessica Mackler.  

Published: Mar 1, 2017

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