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Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison

Oracle co-founder Larry Ellison has put his support, and his millions, behind Trump. Ellison is infamous for joining a call on overturning the 2020 election results and overseeing a company that was forced to settle with workers over gender pay disparities.

Larry Ellison And The 2020 Election

Ellison Attended A Phone Call With Trump Allies To Discuss Strategies To Contest The 2020 Election

November 14, 2020: Ellison Joined Major Trump Allies During A Phone Call To Discuss Strategies To Overturn The 2020 Election

Wash. Post: November 14, 2020: Ellison Was On A Phone Call With Trump Allies That Focused On Strategies To Contest The 2020 Election Were Discussed. According to the Washington Post, “Larry Ellison, the billionaire co-founder and chairman of the software company Oracle and the biggest backer of Elon Musk’s attempted Twitter takeover, participated in a call shortly after the 2020 election that focused on strategies for contesting the legitimacy of the vote, according to court documents and a participant. The Nov. 14 call included Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.); Fox News host Sean Hannity; Jay Sekulow, an attorney for President Donald Trump; and James Bopp Jr., an attorney for True the Vote, a Texas-based nonprofit that has promoted disputed claims of widespread voter fraud.” [Washington Post, 5/20/22]

Trump Allies Reportedly On The Phone Call Included Sean Hannity, Lindsay Graham, Trump Attorney Jay Sekulow, And James Bopp Jr., An Attorney For True The Vote.  According to the Washington Post, “Larry Ellison, the billionaire co-founder and chairman of the software company Oracle and the biggest backer of Elon Musk’s attempted Twitter takeover, participated in a call shortly after the 2020 election that focused on strategies for contesting the legitimacy of the vote, according to court documents and a participant. The Nov. 14 call included Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.); Fox News host Sean Hannity; Jay Sekulow, an attorney for President Donald Trump; and James Bopp Jr., an attorney for True the Vote, a Texas-based nonprofit that has promoted disputed claims of widespread voter fraud” [Washington Post, 5/20/22]

True The Vote Was A Texas Based Non-Profit That Filed Lawsuits Seeking To Uncover Fraudulent Voting In The 2020 Election 

Washington Post On True The Vote’s Actions Involving The 2020 Election: “An Activist Group That Had Already Filed Four Lawsuits Seeking To Uncover Evidence Of Illegal Voting.”According to the Washington Post, “Ellison’s participation illustrates a previously unknown dimension in the multifaceted campaign to challenge Trump’s loss, an effort still coming into focus more than 18 months later. It is the first known example of a technology industry titan joining powerful figures in conservative politics, media and law to strategize about Trump’s post-loss options and confer with an activist group that had already filed four lawsuits seeking to uncover evidence of illegal voting.” [Washington Post, 5/20/22]

True The Vote Was Labeled As A Nonprofit That Promoted Disputed Claims Of Voter Fraud

The Washington Post Labeled True The Vote As “A Nonprofit That Has Promoted Disputed Claims Of Widespread Voter Fraud.” According to the Washington Post, “True the Vote, a Texas-based nonprofit that has promoted disputed claims of widespread voter fraud” [Washington Post, 5/20/22]

Larry Ellison And Oracle’s Pay Gap Lawsuit

Under Ellison’s Leadership, Oracle Was Faced With A Class Action Lawsuit Accusing The Company Of Underpaying 4,000 Women Employees Compared To Their Male Counterparts

2014-2024: Ellison Was Chairman Of Oracle Corporation

201 -2024: Ellison Was The Chairman Of Oracle Corporation. According to Larry Ellison’s biography on Oracle’s company website, “Larry Ellison is chairman of Oracle Corporation and chief technology officer. He founded the company in 1977 and served as CEO until September 2014.” [Oracle, Accessed  5/9/24]

2017: Oracle Had A Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against Them For Underpaying 4,000 Women Employees In California Compared To THeir Male Counterparts

2017: A Class Action Lawsuit Was Filed Against Oracle Alleging That Since 2013, The Company Paid Men Up To $13,000 More Per Year Than Women Working In Information Technology, Product Development And Support Positions. According to Reuters, “Oracle America has agreed to pay $25 million to settle a long-running class action accusing it of underpaying about 4,000 female employees in California compared to men performing the same work. […] The 2017 lawsuit claimed that, since at least 2013, the California-based tech company had paid men in information technology, product development and support positions up to $13,000 more per year to perform the same kind of work as their female colleagues, violating the California Equal Pay Act.” [Reuters, 2/14/24]

The Lawsuit Claimed The Pay Discrepancy Was A Violation Of The California Equal Pay Act. According to Reuters, “Oracle America has agreed to pay $25 million to settle a long-running class action accusing it of underpaying about 4,000 female employees in California compared to men performing the same work. […] The 2017 lawsuit claimed that, since at least 2013, the California-based tech company had paid men in information technology, product development and support positions up to $13,000 more per year to perform the same kind of work as their female colleagues, violating the California Equal Pay Act.” [Reuters, 2/14/24]

2024: The Lawsuit Was Settled

February 2024: Reuters: Oracle Agreed To A Settle “A Long-Running Class Action Accusing It Of Underpaying About 4,000 Female Employees In California Compared To Men Performing The Same Work,” For $25 Million. According to Reuters, “Oracle America has agreed to pay $25 million to settle a long-running class action accusing it of underpaying about 4,000 female employees in California compared to men performing the same work.” [Reuters, 2/14/24]

Oracle Did Not Have To Admit Any Wrongdoing In The Settlement

Under The Settlement, Oracle Did Not Have To Admit To Any Wrongdoing. According to Reuters, “Oracle, which did not admit wrongdoing under the deal, and its attorney did not immediately respond to requests for comment.” [Reuters, 2/14/24]

The Settlement Forced Oracle To Hire An Independent Expert To Review Anti-Discrimination Policies

Oracle Was Forced Via The Settlement To Appoint An Independent Expert To Ensure They Complied With Anti-Discrimination Laws. According to Reuters, “In addition to payment, the settlement also provides for an independent expert to review Oracle’s practices and ensure that they comply with anti-discrimination law.” [Reuters, 2/14/24]

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