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Marjorie Taylor Greene

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s conspiracy theories coupled with her extremism on issues of democracy and abortion rights make her a perfect fit in a second Donald Trump administration, where she is reportedly under consideration for a key role.

Marjorie Taylor Greene And Abortion

Greene Called For a National Abortion Ban Multiple Times

Greene Called To “END ABORTION IN AMERICA!” According to Greene’s Twitter, “END ABORTION IN AMERICA!” [Twitter, @mtgreenee, 1/2/21]

Greene Said It Was “Time We END ABORTION IN AMERICA!” According to Greene’s Twitter, “Over 62 million babies slaughtered over the last 48 years — a national disgrace! It’s time we END ABORTION IN AMERICA!” [Twitter, @ntgreenee, 1/22/24]

Greene Supported The Life At Conception Act, Which Could Ban Abortion Nationally

Greene Was A Co-Sponsor Of The Life At Conception Act

118th Congress: Greene Co-Sponsored The Life At Conception Act. [H.R.432, Co-Sponsors, accessed 1/20/23]

117th Congress: Greene Co-Sponsored The Life At Conception Act. [H.R. 1011, Co-Sponsors, 2/11/21]

The Life At Conception Act Would Ban Abortion Nationwide

UC Davis School Of Law Professor Mary Ziegler On The Life At Conception Act: “It Would Be A Nationwide Abortion Ban.” According to the Los Angeles Times, “The Life at Conception Act is fewer than 300 words, but its language leaves little room for ambiguity on abortion. The bill, introduced in the U.S. House earlier in the congressional session, seeks ‘equal protection for the right to life of each born and preborn human person,’ specifying that it covers ‘all stages of life, including the moment of fertilization, cloning, or other moment at which an individual member of the human species comes into being.’ Put simply: ‘It would be a nationwide abortion ban,’ said Mary Ziegler, a professor at UC Davis School of Law who studies reproductive rights.” [Los Angeles Times, 8/29/22]

The Legislation Could Also Threaten Access To The Morning-After Pill And IUDs

Ziegler Claimed The Legislation Could Ban Some Forms Of Contraception, Including The Morning-After Pill. According to the Los Angeles Times, “The Life at Conception Act is fewer than 300 words, but its language leaves little room for ambiguity on abortion. The bill, introduced in the U.S. House earlier in the congressional session, seeks ‘equal protection for the right to life of each born and preborn human person,’ specifying that it covers ‘all stages of life, including the moment of fertilization, cloning, or other moment at which an individual member of the human species comes into being.’ Put simply: ‘It would be a nationwide abortion ban,’ said Mary Ziegler, a professor at UC Davis School of Law who studies reproductive rights. […] Ziegler, the UC Davis law professor, said the legislation’s ban on abortion could also extend to some contraceptives, such as morning-after pills, she said.” [Los Angeles Times, 8/29/22]

Legal Scholars Said The Legislation Could Threaten Access To IUDs. According to New York, “The Life at Conception Act is a classic ‘personhood’ bill treating every fetus, embryo, and fertilized ovum as just like me and you when it comes to fundamental rights. While the bill does say it does not ‘authorize the prosecution of any woman for the death of her unborn child,’ there’s no exception to the ‘right to life’ for pregnancies involving rape, incest, or even threats to the life of the mother. Most legal scholars believe ‘personhood’ statutes could ban morning-after pills or the use of IUDs.” [New York, 8/31/22]

Greene Opposed Roe v. Wade

Greene Celebrated After The Supreme Court Officially Overturned Roe v. Wade

June 2022: The Supreme Court Overturned Roe v. Wade

June 24, 2022: The Supreme Court Overturned Roe v. Wade. According to the New York Times, “The Supreme Court on Friday overturned Roe v. Wade, eliminating the constitutional right to abortion after almost 50 years in a decision that will transform American life, reshape the nation’s politics and lead to all but total bans on the procedure in about half of the states.” [New York Times, 6/24/22]

Greene Celebrated The Supreme Court Decision

Greene Said Roe v. Wade Being Overturned Was “A Miracle” And “A Blessing.” According to the Hill, “Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) was swarmed by the media and angry pro-abortion rights protesters as she walked through a crowd of demonstrators outside the Supreme Court, just about 15 minutes after the announcement of its decision overturning the landmark Roe v. Wade abortion rights case. […] But Greene, celebrating the decision, smiled as her staff blocked protesters advancing at the congresswoman and escorted her to a secure location. ‘I am so happy. It’s a blessing. It’s a miracle,’ Greene said.” [Hill, 6/24/22]

Greene Said She Was “Thrilled” And That She “Cried” When She Saw Roe v. Wade Was Overturned. According to Newsweek, “After Roe V. Wade was overturned, Greene celebrated the Supreme Court’s decision on social media, calling it a ‘miracle.’ In a video posted on X, formerly Twitter, the Georgia Republican said at the time, ‘I think it’s a miracle. I’m so thrilled, like I’ve cried about this.’ Greene added: ‘Everybody here is celebrating that the Supreme Court had the courage, they had the bravery, overturning Roe v. Wade, giving it back to the states.’” [Newsweek, 11/8/23]

Greene Said She Opposed Exceptions To Abortion Bans For Survivors Of Rape And Incest

Greene Dismissed Rape And Incest Exceptions For Abortion Bans 

Greene Said That Rape Or Incest Was Not An “Excuse To Continue Abortions.” According to Greene’s Twitter, “Fewer than 1% of all abortions take place because of rape and incest. With the amazing ultrasound and 3D imaging to see the beautiful growth of a human being in the womb, we are without excuse to continue abortions. The abortion lie must end. #ChooseLife” [Twitter, @mtgreenee, 9/5/21]

Marjorie Taylor Greene on January 6 & Democracy

Greene Was A Strong Supporter Of The 2020 Election Denial Movement

Greene Denied Biden’s Victory In 2020 And Claimed That Trump Had Actually Won

Greene Wore A Mask With The Words “Trump Won” As She Walked Onto The House Floor As She Was Sworn In On Her First Day In Congress. According to the Hill, “Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) donned a mask with the words ‘Trump won’ as she walked onto the House floor on Sunday. ‘Just sworn in,’ Taylor Greene said in a tweet. ‘It’s an honor to represent the people of Northwest Georgia! Time to get to work.’ The newly-elected congresswoman attached a video to her tweet showing herself embracing fellow first-term Republican member Madison Cawthorn saying ‘oh my gosh we’re so excited.’” [Hill, 1/4/21]

Greene: “You Can’t Allow It To Just Transfer Power ‘Peacefully’ Like Joe Biden Wants, And Allow Him To Become Our President. Because He Did Not Win This Election.” According to Business Insider, “Just two days before the January 6 insurrection, though, Greene promised at a Trump rally that she would refuse to ‘certify fraudulent electoral college votes’ for the incoming president. In an earlier video, she also explicitly told her followers that there could not be a peaceful transfer of power because Biden ‘did not win this election.’ ‘You can’t allow it to just transfer power ‘peacefully’ like Joe Biden wants, and allow him to become our president. Because he did not win this election. It’s being stolen and the evidence is there,’ Greene said.” [Business Insider, 4/22/22]

After House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries Said That Biden Had Won The 2020 Election, Greene Called Out, “No He Didn’t.” According to the Wall Street Journal, “After House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D., N.Y.) said that President Biden had won the 2020 election, some Republicans protested. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R., Ga.) called out ‘no he didn’t’ and could be seen giving a thumbs down.” [Wall Street Journal, 10/26/23]

Greene Objected To The Electoral Vote Count From Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Michigan

Greene Voted To Object To Counting Arizona’s Electoral Votes In The 2020 Election

2021: Greene Voted For Objecting To Arizona’s Electoral Vote Count From The November 2020 Elections. In January 2021, according to Congressional Quarterly, Greene voted for an “objection to the counting of electoral votes from the state of Arizona during the joint session of Congress, on the grounds that they were not, under all of the known circumstances, regularly given.” The vote was on agreeing to the objection. The House rejected the motion by a vote of 121-303. [House Vote 10, 1/6/21; Congressional Quarterly, 1/6/21]

A Federal Judge In Arizona Threw Out An Attempt To Overturn The Results

A Federal Judge In Arizona Threw Out An Attempt By State Republican Officials To Overturn Biden’s Win In The State. According to NPR, “Arizona GOP officials claimed Biden’s win was the result of ‘massive election fraud,’ but a federal judge in the state threw out an attempt to overturn the results.” [NPR, 1/6/21]

Greene Voted To Object To Counting Pennsylvania’s Electoral Votes In The 2020 Election

2021: Greene Voted For Objecting To Pennsylvania’s Electoral Vote Count From The November 2020 Elections. In January 2021, according to Congressional Quarterly, Greene voted for an “objection to the counting of electoral votes from the state of Pennsylvania during the joint session of Congress, on the grounds that they were not, under all of the known circumstances, regularly given.” The vote was on agreeing to the objection. The House rejected the motion by a vote of 138-282. [House Vote 11, 1/7/21; Congressional Quarterly, 1/7/21]

Federal And State Courts Found That There Was No Fraud In The 2020 Presidential Election That Led To Biden’s Win In Pennsylvania

Federal And State Courts Continuously Ruled There Was No Electoral Fraud That Led To Biden’s Win In Pennsylvania. According to Time, “Biden won the state by a narrow 81,000 votes. Federal and state courts have repeatedly ruled there was no evidence of widespread fraud or unlawful activity that would affect the outcome of Pennsylvania’s election.” [Time, 1/6/21]

Greene Objected To Michigan’s Electoral Results But Was Denied By Pence On Procedural Grounds

Greene Objected To Michigan’s Electoral Results, But Was Denied By Pence Because Her Objection Had Not Been Signed By A Senator. According to CNN, “A bid by Republicans to object to Michigan’s electoral results, which certified President-elect Joe Biden’s win, failed tonight in a joint session of Congress. The objection was raised by Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, who confirmed that it was in writing but had not been signed by a senator. Because the objection lacked the signature, Vice President Mike Pence rejected the action.” [CNN, 1/7/21]

Marjorie Taylor Greene And Conspiracy Theories

Greene Supported And Spread The QAnon Conspiracy Theory

Greene Endorsed The QAnon Conspiracy Theory

Greene Endorsed The QAnon Conspiracy Theory. According to Rolling Stone, “Marjorie Taylor Greene, the GOP congressional candidate who has endorsed the baseless conspiracy theory QAnon, has won the 14th congressional district of Georgia, making her the first congressperson to officially endorse the conspiracy theory.” [Rolling Stone, 11/3/20]

VIDEO: Greene Said QAnon Was “Better Than The News.” According to the Roseanne Barr podcast via a tweet from Heartland Signal, “BARR: You used to follow Q or talk about Q. GREENE: Yeah, I did. BARR: I love you for that, because they’re trying to shut us all up who know something else. GREENE: Oh yeah, that’s right. BARR: And we do know it. So, eff it. GREENE: I thought it was better than the news.” [Roseanne Barr Podcast via Twitter, @HeartlandSignal, 1/4/24]

Greene Claimed Space Lasers Were Responsible For California Wildfires, Echoing QAnon Conspiracy Theorists

Greene Spread The Conspiracy Theory That A California Wildfire Was Triggered By A Laser From Space

Greene Claimed That A 2018 California Wildfire Was Started By A Space Laser Triggered By A Nefarious Group Of People. According to Media Matters, “In November 2018, California was hit with the worst wildfire in the state’s history. At the time, future Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) wrote a bizarre Facebook post that echoed QAnon conspiracy theorists and falsely claimed that the real and hidden culprit behind the disaster was a laser from space triggered by some nefarious group of people. […] Conspiracy theorists have pushed other explanations for the Camp Fire, especially on social media. One theory, which has been promoted by QAnon followers, falsely posits that a nefarious entity used laser beams or a similar instrument to start the fire for financial profit or to clear space for California’s high-speed rail system.” [Media Matters, 1/28/21]

The Claim Echoed QAnon Conspiracy Theorists, According To Media Matters

Media Matters: Greene’s Claim “Echoed QAnon Conspiracy Theorists.” According to Media Matters, “In November 2018, California was hit with the worst wildfire in the state’s history. At the time, future Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) wrote a bizarre Facebook post that echoed QAnon conspiracy theorists and falsely claimed that the real and hidden culprit behind the disaster was a laser from space triggered by some nefarious group of people.” [Media Matters, 1/28/21]

Greene Claimed There Were “Too Many Coincidences To Ignore” Regarding The Fire That Was Supposedly Started By “Space Solar Generators”

Greene Supported And Spread The Camp Fire Laser Beam Conspiracy Theory Because There Were “Too Many Coincidences To Ignore” Regarding The Fire. According to Media Matters, “Rep. Greene is a proponent of the Camp Fire laser beam conspiracy theory. She wrote a November 17, 2018, Facebook post — which is no longer available online — in which she said that she was speculating ‘because there are too many coincidences to ignore’ regarding the fire, including that then-California Gov. Jerry Brown (D) wanted to build the high-speed rail project and ‘oddly there are all these people who have said they saw what looked like lasers or blue beams of light causing the fires.’ She also speculated that a vice chairman at ‘Rothschild Inc, international investment banking firm’ was somehow involved, and suggested the fire was caused by a beam from ‘space solar generators.’” [Media Matters, 1/28/21]

Greene Suggested One Of The Nefarious Characters Behind The California Wildfire Was A Vice Chairman At Rothschild Inc.

Greene Suggested A Vice Chairman At Rothschild Inc. Was Involved With A Beam From “Space Solar Generators.” According to Media Matters, “Rep. Greene is a proponent of the Camp Fire laser beam conspiracy theory. She wrote a November 17, 2018, Facebook post — which is no longer available online — in which she said that she was speculating ‘because there are too many coincidences to ignore’ regarding the fire, including that then-California Gov. Jerry Brown (D) wanted to build the high-speed rail project and ‘oddly there are all these people who have said they saw what looked like lasers or blue beams of light causing the fires.’ She also speculated that a vice chairman at ‘Rothschild Inc, international investment banking firm’ was somehow involved, and suggested the fire was caused by a beam from ‘space solar generators.’” [Media Matters, 1/28/21]

The Rothschild Family Has Been Featured Prominently In Antisemitic Conspiracy Theories For More Than A Century

New York: “The Rothschild Family Has Featured Heavily In Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories Since At Least The 19th Century.” According to New York, “The Rothschild family has featured heavily in anti-Semitic conspiracy theories since at least the 19th century. Anti-Semites have generally updated the theory by replacing the Rothschilds with George Soros, a more contemporary and plausible-seeming mastermind for a global conspiracy to spread left-wing ideology. Greene’s version has instead updated the theory by giving the Rothschilds possession of a secret, powerful space laser.” [New York, 1/28/21]

Greene Spread 9/11 Conspiracy Theories

Greene Claimed There Was No Evidence Showing A Plane Hitting The Pentagon During The 9/11 Attacks

Greene Spread A Conspiracy Theory That There Was No Evidence Showing A Plane Hitting The Pentagon On 9/11

Greene Supported A 9/11 Conspiracy Theory That Claimed There Was No Evidence Of The Plane That Hit The Pentagon. According to Media Matters, “Republican-backed congressional candidate and right-wing commentator Marjorie Taylor Greene is both a QAnon supporter and a 9/11 conspiracy theorist. In previously unreported remarks, Greene discussed the September 11 attacks and said that there was ‘the so-called plane that crashed into the Pentagon. It’s odd there’s never any evidence shown for a plane in the Pentagon.’” [Media Matters, 8/13/20]

Greene: “We Had Witnessed 9/11, The Terrorist Attack In New York And The Plane That Crashed In Pennsylvania And The So-Called Plane That Crashed Into The Pentagon. It’s Odd There’s Never Any Evidence Shown For A Plane In The Pentagon.” According to Media Matters, “Media Matters found another video featuring Greene in which she pushed conspiracy theories. […] During the video, Greene discussed the 9/11 attacks and stated, ‘We had witnessed 9/11, the terrorist attack in New York and the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania and the so-called plane that crashed into the Pentagon. It’s odd there’s never any evidence shown for a plane in the Pentagon. But anyways, I won’t — I’m not going to dive into the 9/11 conspiracy. But 9/11 had happened. Our country was very much into a war. We had invaded Iraq looking for weapons of mass destruction that we never found at that time. We were basically destabilizing the Middle East.’ The claim that there was ‘never any evidence’ of a plane hitting the Pentagon is a refrain of 9/11 conspiracy theories. In reality, video and photographic evidence show a plane hit the Pentagon.” [Media Matters, 8/13/20]


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