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Kelly Loeffler and Jeffrey Sprecher

The former Georgia senator and her husband are ready to spend millions to re-elect Trump and it’s no surprise why. Like Trump, Loeffler and Sprecher have a history of self-dealing while also being extremists on issues like abortion and democracy.

Loeffler and Sprecher and Abortion

Loeffler Supported A National Abortion Ban

Loeffler Supported A National Abortion Ban

Loeffler Supported Legislation That Would Make Abortions Illegal Across The Country After 20 Weeks Of Pregnancy. According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, “In her remarks, Loeffler tries to temper the critiques. She will say she believes the ‘abortion-on-demand agenda is immoral’ and that she would vote for legislation introduced by U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-SC, that would ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy.” [Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 12/4/19]

AUDIO: Loeffler Claimed That “Recent Research” Showed That Fetuses Could Feel Pain Before The First 20 Weeks Of Pregnancy. According to Washington Watch with Tony Perkins via Soundcloud, “PERKINS: ‘Another measure that’s going to be voted on by Senator Graham which is a measure which has been up before. And this simply says that after the period of roughly five months, when a baby feels pain, that at that point forward abortion should be prohibited. LOEFFLER: That’s right. […] I think it’s just common sense to say that 20 weeks is the minimum, the number we need to look at.” [Washington Watch with Tony Perkins via Soundcloud, 2/25/20]

Loeffler Introduced Anti-Abortion Legislation

Loeffler Introduced Legislation That Would Have Forced A 24-Hour Waiting Period And Mandatory Counseling For Women Before They Had An Abortion

Loeffler Introduced Legislation That Would Force Women To Go Through A 24-Hour Waiting Period And Mandatory Counseling Before Having An Abortion. According to the American Independent, “The bill she recently introduced would require what is termed ‘informed consent,’ but is really a 24-hour waiting period with mandatory ‘counseling’ for anyone seeking an abortion. NARAL Pro-Choice Georgia director Laura Simmons said in a statement, ‘Introducing [this bill] is a fitting next step in Senator Loeffler’s initiation into the extreme anti-choice movement that she hopes will fire up a fringe base needed to deliver her an electoral victory.’” [American Independent, 3/18/20]

  • Loeffler’s Bill Would Also Require Doctors To Personally Counsel Abortion Patients, Which Could Increase The Cost Of Abortions. According to the American Independent, “It can also drive up the cost of abortions when, as they would be under Loeffler’s bill, doctors are required to provide the information personally rather than allowing a nurse or other health care professional to deliver it.” [American Independent, 3/18/20]

Loeffler Was Backed By Anti-Abortion Groups

Loeffler Earned Support From SBA List

The Anti-Choice Group Susan B. Anthony (SBA) List Endorsed Loeffler For Senate In 2020. According to Politico, “The anti-abortion group Susan B. Anthony List is backing Sen. Kelly Loeffler in her special election, a key endorsement for the Georgia Republican who will be battling against Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.) this fall. The endorsement is also notable because Loeffler had initially faced skepticism from conservative groups — including SBA List — when she was first appointed to the seat late last year.” [Politico, 2/11/20]

SBA List President Marjorie Dannenfelser Praised Loeffler As A “Strong Pro-Life, Pro-Woman Leader.” According to Politico, “But Loeffler has made inroads with conservatives since coming to the Senate by signing on to a slew of anti-abortion bills and railing against impeachment. ‘Her voice is needed in the Senate more than ever at this pivotal moment,’ said Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser, who called Loeffler a ‘strong pro-life, pro-woman leader.’” [Politico, 2/11/20]

Loeffler Met With Dannenfelser About Two Weeks After Her Senate Appointment. According to the Washington Examiner, “Despite a rocky start, it looks like Georgia’s soon-to-be-sworn-in senator, Kelly Loeffler, is winning over anti-abortion advocates. Thursday night, the Washington Examiner spotted her meeting with Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of Susan B. Anthony List. The meeting caught our attention because Dannenfelser had opposed Loeffler’s nomination, noting on Twitter that she served on the board of Grady Memorial Hospital, which has ties to Emory Medical School, which offers training for students on performing abortions.” [Washington Examiner, 12/20/19]

Loeffler Was Endorsed By National Right To Life 

The National Right to Life Committee Endorsed Loeffler For Senate In 2020. According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, “U.S. Sen. Kelly Loeffler landed the endorsement Tuesday of a prominent anti-abortion organization […] The National Right to Life Committee’s president, Carol Tobias, called Loeffler ‘one of the strongest and most vocal pro-life advocates in Washington’ and praised the former financial executive’s support for abortion restrictions in Congress.” [Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 5/5/20]

The Georgia Life Alliance Spent $3 Million In Support Of Loeffler’s 2020 Campaign

The Anti-Abortion Georgia Life Alliance Spent $3 Million In Support Of Loeffler’s 2020 Campaign. According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, “This weekend, a mailer from Georgia Life Alliance began hitting Georgia voters, part of a $3 million anti-abortion campaign announced last month. It praises Loeffler for her first votes in January: ‘…After just being sworn into office, Senator Loeffler has also voted to confirm strong conservatives to the bench, while supporting pro-life measures that limit abortions after 20 weeks and prevent tax dollars from funding abortions.’” [Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 2/10/20]

Kelly Loeffler and Jeffrey Sprecher and COVID-19 Profits

Loeffler And Her Husband Accused Of Insider Trading Regarding Their Financial Transactions During The COVID-19 Pandemic

Loeffler Was Accused Of Insider Trading Surrounding Her Financial Transactions At The Start Of Covid-19

March 23, 2020: Securities And Exchange Commission Issued A Warning Regarding Insider Trading After News Broke That Loeffler Sold Millions In Stock Immediately Following COVID-19 Senate Hearing. “The Securities and Exchange Commission on Monday issued a sharp warning against trading on nonpublic information related to the coronavirus — a caution that came days after news of recent stock sales by the CEO of the owner of the New York Stock Exchange and his senator wife sparked widespread criticism and calls for investigations.” [CNBC, 3/23/20]

Loeffler Sold Millions Of Dollars Worth Of Stock After A Confidential COVID-19 Briefing

Loeffler Sold Millions Of Stocks After A Private Senate Hearing On The COVID-19 Before The Value Of The Stocks Plummeted, Prompting Allegations Of Insider Trading. According to the New York Times, “Senator Richard M. Burr, Republican of North Carolina, and Senator Kelly Loeffler, Republican of Georgia, have come under fire for selling off stocks collectively worth millions of dollars ahead of the economic downturn that has coincided with the coronavirus pandemic […] Records of Mr. Burr’s stock transactions show that he and his wife sold stocks collectively worth $628,000 to $1.7 million on Feb. 13, according to his financial disclosures […] Ms. Loeffler and her husband reported 27 stock sales beginning on Jan. 24 worth up to millions of dollars […] The Senate had received a coronavirus briefing the day her stock sales began.” [New York Times, 3/20/20]

Loeffler Saw Immediate Financial Gains From Her Stock Transactions After The Confidential COVID-19 Briefing

Daily Beast: Loeffler Also Bought Stock In Citrix, Which “Offers Teleworking Software” And Saw “A Small Bump In Its Stock Price” As A Result Of COVID-19-Induced Market Turmoil. According to the Daily Beast, “It was the first of 29 stock transactions that Loeffler and her husband made through mid-February, all but two of which were sales. One of Loeffler’s two purchases was stock worth between $100,000 and $250,000 in Citrix, a technology company that offers teleworking software and which has seen a small bump in its stock price since Loeffler bought in as a result of coronavirus-induced market turmoil.” [Daily Beast, 3/20/20]

Loeffler And Her Husband Sold Millions Of Dollars Worth Of Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) Stock Before Their Shares Declined 25% As A Result Of COVID-19. According to CBS News, “Jeffrey Sprecher, who is the husband of Republican U.S. Senator Kelly Loeffler of Georgia, on February 26 sold $3.5 million in shares of ICE, as the exchange is called, at an average price of $93.42 each, according to a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Since then, ICE shares have plunged nearly 25% amid a broader downdraft in stocks. Sprecher and Loeffler also sold $15.3 million worth of ICE shares on March 11, at an average price of around $87, SEC filings show.” [CBS News, 3/20/20]

Loeffler’s Husband Sold Millions Of Dollars Worth Of Stock Before The Seriousness Of COVID-19 Was Known To The Public

CBS News: Loeffler’s Husband, Jeffrey Sprecher, Also Sold Millions Of Dollars In Stock “Just Days Before The First Reported Death From The Novel Coronavirus In The U.S.” According to CBS News, “The CEO of the Intercontinental Exchange, which owns the New York Stock Exchange, sold millions of dollars worth of the parent company’s shares in late February just days before the first reported death from the novel coronavirus in the U.S. The transaction also came as financial markets were starting to tumble as the devastating economic impact of the outbreak was becoming clear.” [CBS News, 3/20/20]

Kelly Loeffler and January 6 And Democracy

Loeffler Planned To Object To The Electoral College Certification On January 6

Loeffler Planned To Object To The Certification Of THe 2020 Electoral College Vote 

Loeffler Planned To Object To The Certification Of The Electoral College Vote For Joe Biden. According to Politico, “GOP Sen. Kelly Loeffler has ditched her plans to object to President-elect Joe Biden’s electoral win, citing the violent break-in of the Capitol by rioters supporting President Donald Trump. ‘When I arrived in Washington this morning, I fully intended to object to the certification of the electoral votes,’ the Georgia Republican said. ‘However, the events that have transpired today have forced me to reconsider and I cannot now in good conscience object to the certification of these electors.’” [Politico, 1/6/21]

Politico: “Loeffler Was One Trump’s Most Vocal Allies Before Wednesday, Vowing To Supporters That She Would Challenge The Electoral College Results At Trump’s Behest.” According to Politico, “Loeffler was one Trump’s most vocal allies before Wednesday, vowing to supporters that she would challenge the electoral college results at Trump’s behest. But when she took the Senate floor after Capitol police cleared the building of rioters, she somberly denounced the break-in a ‘siege of the halls of Congress.’” [Politico, 1/6/21]

Loeffler Was Criticized For Spreading Falsehoods About Voter Fraud Following The 2020 Election

November 2020: Loeffler Was Criticized By Tricia Raffensberger, The Georgia Secretary Of State’s Wife, For Amplifying Election Fraud Claims And Attacking Their Family

November 2020: Loeffler Was Criticized By Georgia Secretary Of State’s Wife, Tricia Raffensperger, For Attacking Her Husband And Having People “Besiege” Them. According to Politico, “’Never did I think you were the kind of person to unleash such hate and fury on someone in political office of the same party. My family and I am being personally besieged by people threatening our lives because you didn’t have the decency or good manners to come and talk to my husband with any questions you may have had. Instead you have put us in the eye of the storm,’ Tricia Raffensperger texted Loeffler in a message authenticated by a person familiar with it. ‘Unlike you my husband is an honorable man with integrity to do the right thing,’ she continued, asking: ‘What kind of person are you that would purposely do this? I am so disappointed, I thought you were better than that! You do not deserve to be in elected office. You are not worthy of the high calling of that position.’” [Politico, 10/20/22]

Raffensberger’s Family Had To Go Into Hiding November 2020 After The Election

The Raffensperger Family Had To Into Hiding For A Week In November Of 2020 Due To Threats. According to Politico, “Tricia Raffensperger has spoken publicly about the threats she and her family faced in the aftermath of the election and told Reuters in June 2021 that her family went into hiding for a week in November 2020 after a break-in at their widowed daughter-in-law’s home.” [Politico, 10/20/22]


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